April 3rd, 2020

Ridgecrest Baptist Church is composed of followers of Jesus Christ who have united under the Lordship in covenant commitment, to one another and to God. We joyfully and whole heartily submit to His authority as it is revealed to us in His word. Having carefully examined the scriptures regarding the nature and purpose of the church and the principles whereby it is governed, we the members of Ridgecrest Baptist Church set forth the following articles. We adopt the following Constitution as the method of our work, replacing all previous Constitutions or By-laws.

Section 1.01 Ridgecrest Baptist Church of Blanchard, Oklahoma is a Nonprofit Corporation, organized according to the laws of the State of Oklahoma and in accordance with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Ridgecrest Baptist Church may hold, purchase, acquire, sell convey, lease, mortgage, and dispose of properties, both real and personal and it may enter into any legal agreements or contracts, receive and disburse donations or funds of any nature which are in keeping with its purpose and extension of the Kingdom of God. The governing power of this organization shall rest with the Church members as outlined in this constitution. The title of all property shall be vested in the church.

Section 1.02 The Pastor shall be an ex officio member of all organizations, committees, or groups.

Section 2:01 The Ridgecrest Baptist Church is organized for the purpose of advancing and promoting the worship of God through the direction of the Holy Spirit, the reading and study of the Holy Bible as the revealed Word of God; the teaching and preaching of the Gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ; and conducting regular services of worship for winning souls to Jesus Christ.

This Church shall be missionary in spirit, extending the Gospel through our organized religious channels to the entire community and world.

It shall exist to provide regular opportunities for public worship and to grow the Biblical principles,ordinances and doctrines set forth in the New Testament for the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ and to channel its offerings to the support of the objects of the Kingdom of God.

Section 3.01 Ridgecrest Baptist Church recognizes two church ordinances taught in the Holy Scripture: Baptism; and The Lord's Supper.

A. Baptism
1. Baptism is an act of obedience to the command of Jesus Christ.
2. Baptism symbolizes death to sin, burial and resurrection with Christ of the one being baptized.
3. The ordinance of Baptism shall be observed by the Church whenever a person has made a profession of their faith in Jesus Christ wishes to be baptized.

B. Lord's Supper
1. The Lord's Supper is the observance of a memorial supper whereby the Church meets toremember the broken body and shed blood of Jesus Christ.
2. The Church shall observe the Lord's Supper.

Section 4.01 The Church shall have one class of membership. Membership in this Church shall consist of all persons who have met the qualifications of membership and are listed on the membership role. Candidates’ names for membership shall be presented to the Church Body at the next business meeting. The new members shall have all the rights, privileges and responsibilities of a member of the Church.

Section 4.02 Qualifications for Membership: The minimum qualifications for membership are as follows:
1. A personal commitment of faith in Jesus Christ for salvation;
2. Baptism by immersion as a testimony of salvation;
3. A commitment to abide by the Church’s covenant as defined by the Church Body

Section 4.03 Termination and Dismissal of Membership: Members shall beremoved from the Church roll for the following reasons:
1. The request of the member
2. The transfer of membership to another Church
3. Death of the member
4. Termination of membership by ⅔ of the Church Body present at a business meeting after the application of the following processes:
A. Should any biblically based contentions arise among members, the aggrieved member shall follow in a tender spirit, the rules given by our Lord in Matthew 18:15-17.
B. All such proceedings shall pervaded by a spirit of Christian kindness and forbearance, but should an adverse decision be reached, the Church may proceed to admonish or declare the offender to be no longer in the membership of the Church:
C. Any person whose membership has been terminated for any offense may be restored by a vote of the Church, upon evidence of his repentance and reformation; or if an account of continued absence, upon satisfactory explanation in accordance to 2 Corinthians 2:7-8.

Section 4.04 Only Church members 16 years and older may vote or hold an office in the Church. Voting by proxy is prohibited.

Section 5.01 This Church shall hold regular meetings for worship, teaching, training and fellowship. Other meetings of the Church as a whole or of authorized groups within the Church may be set according to the needs of the congregation.

Section 5.02 This Church shall hold business meetings, on a monthly basis, for the disposition of all business matters not otherwise provided for, to hear reports from the various church organizations and to consider other matters essential to the spiritual welfare and prosperity of the congregation. An annual budget shall be presented to the Church at the January business meeting for consideration and available upon request for at least one week in advance of a Church wide vote at a special business meeting. Along with the budget the congregation shall confirm the position of the trustees and Church Clerk annually.

Section 5.03 Special business meetings may be called by the Pastor, or 10 active members in good standing. Such a meeting shall be announced at least fourteen (14) days before the meeting.

Section 5.04 Notification of members for business meetings may be given by any one of the following methods:
1. Distribution of written material to the congregation in attendance at a Sunday service.
2. Announcement of the meeting in the Church newsletter.
3. Oral announcement to the congregation at a Sunday service.
4. Electronic Notification

Section 5.05 In all business meetings a quorum shall be required to conduct business. A quorum shall be 15% of the average Sunday morning attendance during the previous month.

Section 5.06 The Pastor shall serve as Moderator at all business meetings . In his absence, the Pastor will appoint a representative, if no representative is appointed, the members at the meeting will appoint a Moderator in attendance.

Section 5.07 Real property owned by the Church may not be sold or mortgaged except by a two-thirds majority vote of the voting members present at any regular business meeting or a meeting called for that purpose.

Section 6.01 The officers of the Church shall be Pastor, Deacons/Deaconesses, and such officers as shall be required to do the work of the Church in any Department or Organization.

Section 6.02 Pastor
A. The Senior Pastor will serve as the President of the Corporation and will be the moderator of the Church. He will lead the staff and have the responsibility to manage and dismiss staff as needed.
B. In the event the pulpit becomes vacant by the Pastor’s resignation or the Pastor’s inability to perform hisduties as pastor, the Church Body will form a committee to reflect on the next immediate course of action and establish a plan and procedures for running Church logistics and selecting a Pastor.
C. Election: The prospective Senior Pastor must be presented on a Sunday morning. The vote to affirm his call will be taken the following Sunday by secret ballot. Only one man shall be considered at a time. He must receive 90% of the vote. The vote shall be counted by the Church Clerk and the committee formed to present the prospective Senior Pastor.

Section 6.03 Deacons and Deaconesses
Deacons and Deaconesses shall be selected by the Church Body in accordance with 1 Timothy 3:8, and Romans 16:1 to serve the Church in spiritual matters at the discretion of the Senior Pastor.

Section 6.04 Trustees There will be three (3) Trustee’s appointed by the Church Congregation to serve as legal officers of the Church. Each trustee will serve with un-expiring terms, at the discretion of the Church Body. They shall have the power to sell, buy, mortgage, lease, dispose or transfer any Real Church Property upon confirmation of the will of the Church Body.

Section 6.05 All Staff Members Other Than the Pastor:
All other employees of the Church shall be hired or dismissed by the Pastor. They shall serve under the Pastor's supervision and in accordance with their job descriptions.

Section 7.01 The Church will maintain the following records and reports:
A. Adequate and correct books and records of accounts (financial records);
B. Minutes of the business meetings. The minutes shall be available upon request;
C. A Church Roll, which will be a record ofits members, listing their names and addresses;
D. Monthly report of church financial records;
E. Monthly attendance reports.

Section 7.02 Church Clerk:
A. The Church Clerk shall keep minutes of each business meeting,record the approximate number present and what actions were taken by the Church.Copies of the minutes are to be kept in the office and made available upon request.
B. Should the Church Clerk be absent from the meeting, the Moderator will appoint a Church Member to keep the minutes of the meeting.
C.The Church Clerk shall be confirmed annually by the Church Body.

Section 8.1 The Great Commission Ministry Team (GCMT).
The GCMT shall be composed of the chairman leaders of each ministry team, as appointed by the individual ministry teams and/or appropriate church staff position. The GCMT shall be chaired by the Senior Pastor. They will meet as needed to compose a calendar of ministry projects, and create long range planning goals. As part of long range planning the GCMT will identify the focus and service projects of the ministry teams. The addition or deletion of seats to the GCMT will be brought before the Church Body for consideration at business meetings. The GCMT will submit a list of resource requests to the Budget and Finance Committee. The GCMT shall establish and follow a quorum procedure.

Section 8.2 Ministry Teams. Each ministry team shall be given an opportunity to report recent activity in each regular business meeting. These are core ministry teams that shall comprise the GCMT and are subject to change as GCMT and the Church Body deems necessary: Budget and Finance; Building Grounds and Maintenance; Activities; Childrens; Preschool; Youth; Womens; Mens; Bread of Life; and Missions/Outreach.

Section 9.01 This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at any business meeting.

Section 9.02 Any proposed amendment shall be presented at any regular Business meeting and then must be tabled until the next regular business meeting, at which time the proposed amendment may be voted upon.

Section 9.03 This constitution, including amendments and revisions, shall be kept current by the Church Staff and a copy kept in the church office, to be available upon request.

The property of this Corporation is irrevocably dedicated to religious purposes, and no part of the net income or assets of this organization shall ever inure to the benefit of a Trustee(s), or to benefit any private individual.

If and when Ridgecrest Baptist Church ever ceases to be a Church in faith and in practice, all property and furnishings or equipment shall revert in ownership to the Grady County Baptist Association after paying or adequately providing for debts and obligations of the corporation.